Category Archives: News
Shamkhal officially joined our group! He is jointed advised by Hamza. Welcome!
Ishtiaque’s paper on “High-density integrated delay line using extreme skin-depth subwavelength grating waveguides” is published in Optics Letters. Congratulations!
Daniel’s paper on “Polarization-independent photonic Bragg grating filter with cladding asymmetry” is published in Optics Letters. Congratulations!
Daniel received the Amplify Scholarship from the Optica Foundation with $7,500 USD. Congratulations!
Borhan’s paper on Broadband integrated polarization splitter and rotator using subwavelength grating claddings was published at Optics Express! Congratulations!
Sangsik had several invited talks and seminars this semester, including Photonics Conference 2022, KIST, ETRI, and Samsung. Thanks all for the invitations!
Our group is moving to KAIST in South Korea. We have openings for postdoc, Ph.D., MS, and undergraduate positions. Please contact me if you are interested! Let’s explore the exciting research with integrated nanophotonics!
Ishtiaque successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis presentation! He will join Intel, lithography team at Hillsboro, Oregon. Congratulations!!!
Sangsik’s paper on “Exceptional points in lossy media lead to deep polynomial wave penetration with spatially uniform power loss” was published in Nature Nanotechnology!
This project collaborates with NIST scientists, where Sangsik initiated the idea while he was a postdoc at NIST. It took a long time, but finally out there for disclosure. Check out the original journal (view-only version) and NIST News about it!