Category Archives: News
Borhan’s paper on “Exceptional coupling in photonic anisotropic metamaterials for extremely low waveguide crosstalk” is published at Optica! Congratulations!
Read the article at Optica
Sangsik designated as a Senior Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), congratulations!
Link: 2020 OSA Senior Members
Ishtiaque, Nafiz, and Bridget received several scholarships from the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Congratulations!
The Bucy Scholarship in Applied Physics: Ishtiaque and Nafiz The Bucy Undergraduate Scholarship: Bridget The Ron and Nancy Miller Physics Scholarship: Nafiz
Saleha successfully passed her Master Thesis Defense! Congratulations!
Borhan’s conference paper is accepted for presentation in CLEO 2020. Congratulations!
Our research project on high-density photonic chip integration is explained in TTU Today!
Link: TTU Today
Saleha won the 1st place in the Physics Department Poster Competition! Congratulations!
We received a new grant from the NSF ECCS program ($360K) to develop high-density metaphotonic chips.
We thank the NSF for supporting our research and we are excited about developing high-density photonic chips!