
Shamkhal’s paper on “Exceptional points in a passive strip waveguide” is published in Nanophotonics journal. Congratulations!
This is the first paper in which a member of our group at KAIST is the first author!

Winter Recap! ❄️🎉 We had a productive and fulfilling winter – researching together, having fun, recognizing contributions, and celebrating graduations! 🎓👏 Grateful for our journey of growing and thriving together! 💙✨
Celebrating Jihwan, Jibaek, Minseop, and Yosep on their undergraduate graduation and new journey into graduate school! sunset @KIMgroupworkshop Workshop: Jihwan is presenting BIC mode for topological analysis. We recognized and celebrated 2024’s contributions. Thanks all the group members!!! Yosep, Jaewoo, and Juntae went on a cycling trip to Busan!

We’re excited to welcome Yongsik to our group! Additionally, Minseop and Jibaek are starting MS programs, while Seungyong and Jongeon transition into the MS/PhD program. Congratulations to all! 👏🎊
Yongsik: MS/PhD (new member!) Jibaek: BS -> MS Minseop: BS -> MS Seungyong: MS -> MS/PhD Jongeon: MS -> MS/PhD

Nafiz’s paper on “In-plane beam focusing via integrated photonic gradient-index subwavelength grating metalens” is published in Optics Express. Congratulations!

Prof. Kim received the Best Teaching Award of the 2024 Spring semester! Congratulations!

Our group won the EE graduate futsal competition in collaboration with Prof. J. Chung’s team! Congratulations to everyone!

Dr. Lanxuan Zhang joins our group as a postdoc! Welcome!

Syed’s paper on “Zero-crosstalk silicon photonic refractive index sensor with subwavelength gratings” is published in Nano Convergence. Congratulations!

Jihwan, Yosep, and Sangsik presented our research at the A3META conference, and Jihwan received the Best Poster Award (Silver)! Congratulations!

Kyungtae, Jihwan, and Yosep presented their works at the Optics and Photonics Congress 2024 (OPC 2024). Great jobs! Let’s keep develop the works toward journal publications!

Four undergraduates (Jibaek, Taewon, Taein, and Taesang) join our groups to explore integrated photonics! Welcome!

Kyungtae, Jihwan, Yosep, and Seungyup move to graduate programs (MS & MS/PhD) starting from the Fall semester. Congratulations!
Kyungtae: MS -> MS/PhD Jihwan: BS -> MS/PhD Yosep: BS -> MS Seungyup: Intern -> MS Still, research continues as usual…

Jaewhan presented his work on in-plane Bessel-Gaussian beam at the European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 2024!

Prof. Sangsik Kim received the Best Professor cake from the group members as a celebration of Teachers Day! 🤣🤣🤣 Thank you, Prof. Kim!

Spring is here! Great weather for research! 🙂
2024 KIM Group Spring Strawberry Party! 🙂

We had an unforgettable team-building trip to Gyeryongsan Mountain! Let’s keep this awesome vibe going, work hard, and have fun. Together, we will achieve remarkable success!

Peiyuan joined our group! He is from the Chongqing University of Technology and was an exchange student via KAIST-CQUT program. Welcome!

We are happy to announce our recent partnership with the Hyundai HMG-KAIST Collaborative Research Laboratory for On-Chip LiDAR. This collaboration unites the labs led by Professors Sanghyeon Kim, Wanyeong Jung, and Hamza Kurt. We hope to share significant advancements in the near future!
News link:

Yosep presented his work on eskid at the GOI platform at the SPIE Photonics West 2024!

The paper in collaboration with Jongbum’s group at KIST on “Scalable hot carrier–assisted silicon photodetector array based on ultrathin gold film” was published at Nanophotoincs journal!

Daniel’s paper on “Integrated polarization-free Bragg filters with subwavelength gratings for photonic sensing” is published in Optics Express. Congratulations!

Six new members joined this week! We had a kick-off meeting as a whole group, and we will have group study and skill training this winter to prepare for exciting research. Welcome all-! 🙂

Jihwan and Soomin officially joined our group! Both are well-trained and outstanding undergraduate students throughout the courses. Welcome!

End-of-year workshop! Just wrapped up an inspiring workshop with the quantum time sensor team. Stay tuned for exciting breakthroughs!

Minseop & Yosep had poster presentations at the Photonics Conference 2023 (PC2023)! It was their first presentation and also from our group at KAIST. Good job, guys!

Syed successfully completed his Ph.D. defense. Congratulations! He will work at Intel as a test engineer. You have been a great support for our group, and we wish you the best in your next career!

Jing Wang joined our group as a CSC visiting student from China University of Petroleum. Welcome!

Jaehwan & Kyungtae officially joined our group! Both are highly motivated students, and we are excited to work together. Welcome!

Our work on zero crosstalk with subwavelength gratings has been well replicated and posted as an example for Tidy3D, which is a fast FDTD at a large scale!
We are surprised to hear it took only 4-5 min to simulate this! Check it out! Example: Blog interview: Original paper:

Daniel successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations! He is now heading to the University of Maryland for a PhD program with a four-year fellowship. Best of luck with the next phase of your journey!

Welcome Yosep, Seokyoung, and Minseop, our new undergraduate researchers! Let’s dive into summer research together.

Sangsik’s article on “Silicon photonic Bessel–Gaussian beam generation unlocks new possibilities for long-range sensing” is published in the News & Views of Light: Science & Applications. Check it out!

Our paper on “Anisotropic leaky-like perturbation with subwavelength gratings enables zero crosstalk” is published in Light: Science & Applications. Congratulations!

Daniel & Faiyaz presented their works at 2023 CLEO conference! It’s always exciting and inspiring attending the conference!

Shamkhal officially joined our group! He is jointed advised by Hamza. Welcome!

Ishtiaque’s paper on “High-density integrated delay line using extreme skin-depth subwavelength grating waveguides” is published in Optics Letters. Congratulations!

Daniel’s paper on “Polarization-independent photonic Bragg grating filter with cladding asymmetry” is published in Optics Letters. Congratulations!

Daniel received the Amplify Scholarship from the Optica Foundation with $7,500 USD. Congratulations!

Borhan’s paper on Broadband integrated polarization splitter and rotator using subwavelength grating claddings was published at Optics Express! Congratulations!

Sangsik had several invited talks and seminars this semester, including Photonics Conference 2022, KIST, ETRI, and Samsung. Thanks all for the invitations!

Satya’s paper on “Coupled surface plasmon–phonon polariton nanocavity arrays for enhanced mid-infrared absorption” has been published at Nanophotonics journal. Congratulations!

Our group is moving to KAIST in South Korea. We have openings for postdoc, Ph.D., MS, and undergraduate positions. Please contact me if you are interested! Let’s explore the exciting research with integrated nanophotonics!

Ishtiaque successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis presentation! He will join Intel, lithography team at Hillsboro, Oregon. Congratulations!!!

Sangsik’s paper on “Exceptional points in lossy media lead to deep polynomial wave penetration with spatially uniform power loss” was published in Nature Nanotechnology!
This project collaborates with NIST scientists, where Sangsik initiated the idea while he was a postdoc at NIST. It took a long time, but finally out there for disclosure. Check out the original journal (view-only version) and NIST News about it!

Borhan successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis! He is the first Ph.D. graduate of our group and will join NeoPhotonics Corporation as a Senior Silicon Photonics Design Engineer at San Jose, CA. Huge congratulations!!!

After a long Covid, we had a group lunch together, welcoming the spring! Let’s eat well, stay healthy, and then enjoy working!

Sangsik has been awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for 2022! We are excited to tackle the scaling issues inherent to integrated nanophotonics and apply subwavelength gratings for diverse photonic applications. Congratulations!
Link: TTU Today

Borhan’s paper on mode-evolution-based ultra-broadband polarization beam splitter using adiabatically tapered extreme skin-depth waveguide was published at Optics Letters! Congratulations!

Daniel Pimbi, TTU ECE undergraduate alumni, joined our group! Welcome!

Jinkun and Bridget graduated! Congratulations and best wishes in the next steps!

Syed’s paper on “Ultra-high extinction ratio polarization beam splitter with extreme skin-depth waveguide” is published at Optics Letters! Congratulations!

Sangsik has been selected as a recipient of the 2021 KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) Young Investigator Grant! Congratulations!

Mehedi & Faiyaz joined our group in Fall 2020 and finally arrive in Lubbock! Welcome!

Borhan won the 2nd place in the Physics Department Poster Competition! Congratulations!

Saleha’s paper on “Multiple mode couplings in a waveguide array for broadband near-zero dispersion and supercontinuum generation” is published at IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology! Congratulations!
Check out the paper at

Sangsik received the Whitacre Engineering Research Award for evidence of research growth over the past three years. Congratulations!

Borhan’s paper on “Exceptional coupling in photonic anisotropic metamaterials for extremely low waveguide crosstalk” is published at Optica! Congratulations!
Read the article at Optica

Sangsik designated as a Senior Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), congratulations!
Link: 2020 OSA Senior Members

Ishtiaque, Nafiz, and Bridget received several scholarships from the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Congratulations!
The Bucy Scholarship in Applied Physics: Ishtiaque and Nafiz The Bucy Undergraduate Scholarship: Bridget The Ron and Nancy Miller Physics Scholarship: Nafiz

Saleha successfully passed her Master Thesis Defense! Congratulations!

Borhan’s conference paper is accepted for presentation in CLEO 2020. Congratulations!

Our research project on high-density photonic chip integration is explained in TTU Today!
Link: TTU Today

Saleha won the 1st place in the Physics Department Poster Competition! Congratulations!

We received a new grant from the NSF ECCS program ($360K) to develop high-density metaphotonic chips.
We thank the NSF for supporting our research and we are excited about developing high-density photonic chips!

Saleha received a travel grant ($2,500) for IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2019)! This fund was granted through IEEE Women in Photonics. Congratulations!

Two conference papers are accepted for presentations at the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2019)!
Congratulation Borhan and Saleha! The conference will be held 29 Sep – 3 Oct at the Hilton Palacio Del Rio, San Antonio, Texas, USA. See you there!

Bridget presented her research on frequency combs at the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC 2019)! Well done, Bridget!

Borhan’s paper on “Extremely high dispersions in heterogeneously coupled waveguides” is published at Optics Express! Congratulations!
Link: Extremely high dispersions in heterogeneously coupled waveguides

Sangsik served the South Plains Regional Science and Engineering Fair 2019 as a judge panel and enjoyed the creativity of K12 students!

Our USER proposal to the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) at Sandia National Lab was granted!
This program supports free access to the facilities at the CINT. We are excited about exploring our research!

Prof. Howard Lee from Baylor University gave a talk on “Electronically Tunable Optical Metasurfaces and Zero-index Materials for Emerging Nanophotonic Application”. Thanks for the visit!

Sangsik gave an invited seminar at the KRISS symposium. Thanks for the invitation!

Our paper on “Photonic waveguide to free-space Gaussian beam extreme mode converter” is published in Light: Science & Applications!
This project is a collaborative work with NIST scientists and is highlighted in several scientific news, including and EurekAlert. Check it out! – Journal link: – News link:
Syed (PhD), Saleha (MS), Bridget (BS), and Ashley (BS) are joining our group starting from the fall 2018! We welcome all new members!

Trenched silicon nitride microresonators for two-color solitons published in Optics Letters! (Highlighted as an Editors’ Pick!)
The research in collaboration with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) proposes a partially etched silicon nitride microresonator to generate two-color solitons by engineering resonator dispersions.

Our paper on “Controlling evanescent waves using silicon photonic all-dielectric metamaterials for dense integration” is published in Nature Communications!
This research was conducted in collaboration with Purdue University, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, and is highlighted in several scientific news, including, Nanowerk, ScienceDaily, EurekAlert! Check it out! – Journal link: Nature Communications

Two conference presentations at CLEO 2018!
Our works on “Extreme Skin-Depth Waveguide” and “Two-Color Solitons” have been presented at CLEO 2018! Check out at

The collaborative work with NIST on “Photonic chip for laser stabilization to an atomic vapor with 10^(−11) instability” published in Optica. Check out the news at NIST!
Check out the news at NIST! [link]

Sangsik met Pi2 scholars (undergraduate research program at TTU) and gave a talk about exciting research opportunities with nanophotonics. Hope them to find interesting research topics!

Sangsik participated the South Plains Regional Science & Engineering Fair (SPRSEF 2018) as a judge panel and met brilliant future (K-12) engineers and scientists (STEM).
Sangsik gave a physics colloquium at University of North Texas. Thanks Prof. Drachev for the invitation!
Sangsik gave a physics colloquium at Texas Tech University. Thanks Prof. Peralta for the invitation!

Md Borhan Mia joins us as a PhD student. Welcome Borhan!

We welcome Nafiz Jaidye as our first group member. Welcome, Nafiz!

Our paper on “Dispersion engineering and frequency comb generation in thin silicon nitride concentric microresonators” is published in Nature Communications.
Journal link: