

Y. Shin, et al. "Anisotropic Metamaterials for Scalable Photonic Integrated Circuits: A Review on Subwavelength Gratings for High-Density Integration (Review)"


Journal Publications

Exceptional points in a passive strip waveguide
Shamkhal Hasanli, Mehedi Hasan, Hyejin Yoon, Seungyong Lee, and Sangsik Kim
Nanophotonics (2025)



In-plane beam focusing via integrated photonic gradient-index subwavelength grating metalens
Nafiz Jaidye, Jaewhan Lee, Daniel Pimbi, Myoung-Hwan Kim, Ayrton Bernussi, and Sangsik Kim
Optics Express 32, 46225-46238 (2024)



Zero-crosstalk silicon photonic refractive index sensor with subwavelength gratings
S. Ahmed, M. Hasan, K. Kim, and S. Kim
Nano Convergence 11, 39 (2024)




Scalable hot carrier–assisted silicon photodetector array based on ultrathin gold film
G. Kim, H. Kim, Y. Jeon , I. Kim, S. Kim, S. Kim, J. Kim
Nanophotonics 13(7), 1049 (2024)



Integrated polarization-free Bragg filters with subwavelength gratings for photonic sensing
D. Pimbi, M. Mia, N. Jaidye, I. Ahmed, M. Hasan, S. Ahmed, and S. Kim
Optics Express 32(2), 2147-2161 (2024)



Silicon photonic Bessel–Gaussian beam generation unlocks new possibilities for long-range sensing
S. Kim Light: Science & Applications, 12, 141 (2023) (News & Views)


Anisotropic leaky-like perturbation with subwavelength gratings enables zero crosstalk
M. Kabir, M. Mia, I. Ahmed, N. Jaidye, S. Ahmed, and S. Kim
Light: Science & Applications, 12, 135 (2023)





High-density integrated delay line using extreme skin-depth subwavelength grating waveguides
I. Ahmed, S. Ahmed, N. Jaidye, M. Mia, A. Bernussi, and S. Kim
Optics Letters 48(7), 1662-1665 (2023)



Polarization-independent photonic Bragg grating filter with cladding asymmetry
D. Pimbi, M. Hasan, M. Mia, N. Jaidye, and S. Kim
Optics Letters 48(5), 1192-1195 (2023)



Broadband integrated polarization splitter and rotator using subwavelength grating claddings
M. Mia, N. Jaidye, I. Ahmed, S. Ahmed, and S. Kim
Optics Express 31(3), 4140-4151 (2023)



Coupled surface plasmon-phonon polariton nanocavity arrays for enhanced mid-infrared absorption
S. Kachiraju, I. Nekrashevich, I. Ahmed, H. Farooq, L. Chang, S. Kim, and M. Kim
Nanophotonics 11(2), 4489-4498 (2022)



Exceptional points in lossy media lead to deep polynomial wave penetration with spatially uniform power loss
A. Yulaev*, S. Kim*, Q. Li, D.A. Westly, B.J. Roxworthy, K. Srinivasan, and V. Aksyuk (*equal contribution)
Nature Nanotechnology 17, 583-589 (2022)


Mode-evolution-based ultra-broadband polarization beam splitter using adiabatically tapered extreme skin-depth waveguide
M. Mia, S. Ahmed, N. Jaidye, I. Ahmed, and S. Kim
Optics Letters 46(18), 4490-4493(2021)



Ultra-high extinction ratio polarization beam splitter with extreme skin-depth waveguide
S. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, M. Mia, N. Jaidye, and S. Kim
Optics Letters 46(9), 2164-2167 (2021)



Multiple mode couplings in a waveguide array for broadband near-zero dispersion and supercontinuum generation
S. Fatema, M. Mia, and S. Kim
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 39, 216-222 (2021)



Exceptional coupling in photonic anisotropic metamaterials for extremely low waveguide crosstalk
M. Mia, S. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, Y. Lee, M. Qi, and S. Kim
Optica, 7, 881-887 (2020)



Extremely high dispersions in heterogeneously coupled waveguides
M. Mia, N. Jaidye, and S. Kim
Optics Express, 27, 10426-10437 (2019)


Photonic waveguide to free-space Gaussian beam extreme mode converter
S. Kim, D.A. Westly, B.J. Roxworthy, Q. Li, A. Yulaev, K. Srinivasan, and V. Aksyuk
Light: Science & Applications, 7, 72 (2018)


Phased-locked two-color single soliton microcombs in dispersion-engineered Si3N4 resonators
G. Moille, Q. Li, S. Kim, D.A. Westly, and K. Srinivasan
Optics Letters, 43, 2772-2775 (2018)
Highlighted as an Editors' Pick!



Controlling evanescent waves using silicon photonic all-dielectric metamaterials for dense integration
S. Jahani*, S. Kim*, J. Atkinson, J.C. Wirth, F. Kalhor, W.D. Newman, P. Shekhar, K. Han, V. Van, R.G. DeCorby, L. Chrostowski, M. Qi, and Z. Jacob (*equal contribution)
Nature Communications, 9, 1893 (2018)


Photonic chip for laser stabilization to an atomic vapor with 10^(−11) instability
M.T. Hummon, S. Kang, D.G. Bopp, Q. Li, D.A. Westly, S. Kim, C. Fredrick, S.A. Diddmas, K. Srinivasan, V. Aksyuk, and J.E. Kitching
Optica, 5, 443-449 (2018)



Dispersion engineering and frequency comb generation in thin silicon nitride concentric microresonators
S. Kim, K. Han, C. Wang, J. A. Jaramillo-Villegas, X. Xue, C. Bao, Y. Xuan, D.E. Leaird, A.M. Weiner, and M. Qi
Nature Communications, 8, 372 (2017)


High-Q silicon nitride microresonators exhibiting low-power frequency comb initiation
Y. Xuan, Y. Liu, L.T. Varghese, A.J. Metcalf, X. Xue, P. Wang, K. Han, J.A. Jramillo-VilleGas, A.A. Noman, C. Wang, S. Kim, M. Teng, Y. Lee, B. Niu, L. Fan, J. Wang, D.E. Leaird, A.M. Weiner, and M. Qi
Optica, 3, 1171-1180 (2016)



Strip-slot direct mode converter
K. Han, S. Kim, J. Wirth, M. Teng, Y. Xuan, B. Niu and M. Qi
Optics Express, 24, 6532-6541 (2016)



Broadband second-harmonic phase-matching in dispersion engineered slot waveguides
S. Kim and M. Qi
Optics Express, 24, 773-786 (2016)



Mode-evolution-based polarization rotation and coupling between silicon and hybrid plasmonic waveguides
S. Kim and M. Qi
Scientific Reports, 5, 18378 (2015)



Polarization rotation and coupling between silicon waveguide and hybrid plasmonic waveguide
S. Kim and M. Qi
Optics Express, 23, 9968-9978 (2015)



Angle-insensitive and solar-blind ultraviolet bandpass filter
S. Kim, M. Man, M. Qi, and K. J. Webb
Optics Letters, 39, 5784-5787 (2014)


Copper nanorod array assisted silicon waveguide polarization beam splitter
S. Kim and M. Qi
Optics Express, 22, 9508-9516 (2014)


Nanoimprinted plasmonic nanocavity arrays
S. Kim, Y. Xuan, V. P. Drachev, L. T. Varghese, L. Fan, M. Qi, and K. J. Webb
Optics Express, 21, 15081-15089 (2013)


Resistless nanoimprinting in metal for plasmonic nanostructures
L. T. Varghese, L. Fan, Y. Xuan., C. Tansarawiput, S. Kim, and M. Qi
Samll, 9, 3778-3783 (2013)



Conference Publications

M. Mia, S. Ahmed, I. Ahmed, Y. Lee, M. Qi, and S. Kim, "Extreme suppression of waveguide crosstalk with all-dielectric metamaterials," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May.10-15, 2020.

M. Mia and S. Kim, "Highly dispersive coupled modes in a SiN/SiO2/Si heterostructure," IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, Sep.29-Oct.3, 2019.

S. Fatema, M. Mia, and S. Kim, "Broadband near-zero dispersion with multiple mode couplings," IEEE Photonics Conference, San Antonio, TX, Sep.29-Oct.3, 2019.

D. Bopp, S. Kang, M. Hummon, J. Kitching, S. Kim, A. Alexander, K. Srinivasan, D. Westly, V. Aksyuk, "Nanophotonic integration of atomic wavelength references," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 5-10, 2019.

M.Teng, B. Niu, K. Han, S. Kim, Y. Xuan, Y. Lee, and M. Qi, "Trident shape SOI metamaterial fiber-to-chip edge coupler," Optical Fiber Communication (OFC),, San Diego, CA, Mar. 3-7, 2019.

A. Yulaev, S. Kim, D. Westly, B.J. Roxworthy, Q. Li, K. Srinivasan, and V. Aksyuk, "Collimating a free-space gaussian beam by means of a chip-scale photonic extreme mode converter," International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN),, Lausanne, Switzerland, Jul.29-Aug.2, 2018.

S. Kim, S. Jahani, J. Atkinson, J.C. Wirth, F. Kalhor, A. Al Noman, W.D. Newman, P. Shekhar, K. Han, V. Van, R.G. DeCorby, L. Chrostowski, M. Qi, and Z. Jacob, "High-Density Photonic Chip with All-Dielectric Metamaterials," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 14-18, 2018.

G. Moille, Q. Li, S. Kim, D. Westly, and K. Srinivasan, "Phase-locked two-color soliton microcombs," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 14-18, 2018.

S. Kim, K. Han, J.A. Jaramillo-Villegas, X. Xue, Y. Xuan, A.M. Weiner, and M. Qi, "Anomalous Dispersion in 300 nm-Thick Si3N4 Concentric-Ring-Resonators," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 5-10, 2016.

T. Min, S. Kim, K. Han, B. Niu, Y. Lee, and M. Qi, "Silicon Nitride Polarization Beam Splitter Based on MMI with Phase Delay Line," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 14-19, 2017.

K. Han, M. Teng, B. Niu, Y. Lee, S. Kim, and M. Qi, "Double slot fiber-to-chip coupler using direct strip-slot mode coupling," Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 19–23, 2017.

S. Kim, K. Han, C. Wang, J.A. Jaramillo-Villegas, X. Xue, Y. Xuan, A.M. Weiner, and M. Qi, "Frequency Comb Generation in 300 nm-Thick Si3N4 Concentric-Ring-Resonators," Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano-Photonics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Jul. 18-20, 2016. (invited)

S. Kim, K. Han, J.A. Jaramillo-Villegas, X. Xue, Y. Xuan, A.M. Weiner, and M. Qi, "Anomalous Dispersion in 300 nm-Thick Si3N4 Concentric-Ring-Resonators," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 5-10, 2016.

Y. Xuan, Y. Liu, L.T. Varghese, A.J. Metcalf, X. Xue, P. Wang, K. Han, J.A. Jaramillo-Villegas, S. Kim, L. Fan, J. Wang, B. Niu, M. Teng, D.E. Leaird, A.M. Weiner, and M. Qi, "Ultra-high-Q Silicon Nitride Micro-Resonators for Low-Power Frequency Comb Initiation," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 5-10, 2016.

K. Han, S. Kim, J. Wirth, M. Teng, Y. Xuan, B. Niu and M. Qi, "A Strip-Slot Direct Mode Coupler," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 5-10, 2016.

S. Kim and M. Qi "Dispersion Engineered Hetero-Slot Waveguides for Broadband On-Chip Second-Harmonic Phase-Matching," IEEE Photonics Conference, Reston, VA, Oct. 4-8, 2015.

S. Kim and M. Qi "Broadband Phase-Matched Second-Harmonic Generation via Dielectric-Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguide," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 10-15, 2015.

S. Kim and M. Qi "Plasmonic Mode-Evolution-Based Polarization Rotator and Coupler," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, May. 10-15, 2015.

S. Kim and M. Qi "Post-Fabrication Trimming on Silicon Nitride Photonic Bragg Grating Add-Drop Filter," Frontiers in Optics, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 19-23, 2014.

S. Kim and M. Qi "Silicon Waveguide to Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Polarization Rotator and Coupler," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, Jun. 8-13, 2014.

S. Kim and M. Qi "Metal Nanorods Array Embedded Silicon Waveguide Polarization Beam Splitter," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, Jun. 8-13, 2014.

S. Kim, M. Man, M. Qi, and K. J. Webb, "Multilayer Metal-Dielectric Stack Ultraviolet Filter," Frontiers in Optics, Orlando, FL, Oct. 6-10, 2013.

S. Kim, Y. Xuan, V. P. Drachev, M. Qi, and K. J. Webb, "Nanoimprinted Plasmonic Nanocavity Arrays," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, Jun. 9-14, 2013.


M. Qi, M. Teng, K. Han, S. Kim,  B. Niu, and Y. Lee, "Optical coupler having subwavelength grating," U.S. Patent Application No. 15/797528 (2018).

M. Teng, M. Qi, B. Niu, J.C. Wirth, S. Kim, K. Han, Y. Xuan, and Y. Lee, "Optical Coupler," U.S. Patent Application No. 15/694,277 (2018).

M. Teng, M. Qi, B. Niu, J. Wirth, S. Kim, K. Han, and Y. Lee, "Taper Matrix Based Edge Coupler for Standard Single Mode Fiber," U.S. Patent Application No. 62/383,145, filed (2016).